Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hierarchy of Beliefs

Religion is not the only belief system subject to criticism. Yet judging by the amount of intellectual energy spent on criticizing Christianity you would think that it's the only religion that has a belief system needing critique. The slightest objectivity would recognize that Christianity is only one of the class of belief systems called religion. Perhaps religions form a class of belief systems that influences the believers behavior more than any other belief system. Which only makes the point that each person behaves according to their own belief system. Some are critical of Christians because they force their beliefs on others. Perhaps. But this only begs the questions, how do we determine what believe system should impose their beliefs on others? For where ever there is a conflict in beliefs and we are forced to choose, then how do we? For so many, they don't even recognize their pejorative view has its basis in their belief system. Why? Why should their belief system prevail?

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